Tuesday, 12 July 2011

ViewBag v/s ViewData

Hi Friends,
If you go through ASP.NET MVC 3.0 framework then you will find  two frequently  used collection of data object which  used to pass data between control and views  and partial views. as both are doing similar functionality but has  some difference in that , so today , I would like to  put some difference of those and interoperability of that .

It is dictionary of name/value pair  collection
It is dynamic  type object
This features exist since 1st release of ASP.NET MVC
This features available from ASP.NET MVC 3.0
This will work  in ASP.NET with .net 3.5 framework and above
This will work well with ASP.NET 4.0  with .net 4.0 framework and above
ViewData is faster compare to ViewBag   
ViewBag is slower than ViewData
While retrieving  data from viewData in to view pages , one need to do proper type casting
While retrieving  data from viewbag in to view pages , one need  not to do  type casting
Hence it make code with lots of  type casting  fragments
Hence it make more clear code

Friday, 8 July 2011

Checklist for Validation messages

The following are the Validation/Messages to be checked commonly while executing Add/Edit and Search Page in any applications
1. Check for Page Title. It should be “Add a/an in
2. Check for Page Heading. It should be “Add
3. Check for the presence of Header & Footer contents.
4. Check for the Labels i.e Field name are meaning full and not having any spelling mistakes.
5. Check for the Mandatory Fields are differentiated by Red color or by red * symbol.
6. Check whether the cursor points to the first field.
7. Check whether the Tab Order is correct.
8. Check whether the required field validations are done in user side JavaScript and also in server side.
a. Check whether Starting and Ending spaces are getting trimmed.

The Changing Paradigm of Testing Industry

Software testing was an important turning point in the IT industry. It has changed the face of the software world today. In today's world, consumer expectations are very high on quality. They want customized access from anywhere, anytime, through any device and within no time and with no glitches. Satisfying such consumer needs and expectations of high quality were only possible by immense software testing. Testing has optimized software business products and has lessened the complexities faced by software developers. It has helped improve the overall software development life cycle.

Opening the event with a keynote session, Arun Kumar Singh, Vice President and Global Head Testing ,Financial Services, Wipro, threw some light on the importance of testing in today's business and tried to forecast where testing will go in years ahead. He spoke about 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 phases of software testing.

How to decompile Android application to get sourcecode

Hi Friends,
reverse engineering is everywhere. but reverse engineering is meant for  code review of  vulnerable application. so I hope you guys will not  use this reverse engineering  tricks to do any illegal things.
all android application are running  on Dalvik , which is a Virtual Machine having register-base  architecture and different from Java Virtual Machine by sun-microsystem (and now by oracle ) which is stack machine.
hence all android application is consist of Dalvik Executable (.dex).  hence to convert those  android application( *.apk) to source code we have to follow below steps

(Note : apk is packing of  .dex  file and other resources.)

step to decompile

1) convert  .dex file format to  .class file
2) convert  .class file format to  java code file

1) android application will come with .apk file format. which contains  .dex file .
hence  to convert .dex file in to .class file ( and those compress .class files  are placed in .jar file)
one need to have .dex  to  .class file converter .(both are binary format)
you can download such  tool from below link.

 after downloading you need to extract them and it will have following files in you  file system.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

How to prevent from Cross-site scripting attacks on your ASP.NET website?

Hi friends,
Security is major concern for our clients when they ask us to develop their website. Hence we have to take care of  attacks like sql injection and cross-site scripting attacks.
today I come across with a very good library to  prevent our website against cross-site scripting attacks.
Cross-site scripting (which  also called as XSS) attacks occur when an attacker uses a web apps to inject malicious code(mainly scripting), generally in the form of a browser side (means java script injection ), to a different visitor or your site.

Friday, 1 July 2011

How to compress our websites..!!??

Hi friends,
when you have website which has heavy  pages( means all page are loaded with lots of html and css etc...) .It is recommended to compress your website pages while serving. This will decrease your network traffic at your server. To achieve such compression of your website pages while delivering to browser  is done by two way.
 1) By server  setting
 2) do custom coding  in your web application